Unflattering Jeans

By Aniela / April 16, 2010

Unflattering jeans: today's topic! If you look at the huge array of denim styles available in retail stores, you'll notice that they're not necessarily flattering, but rather, they're just “stylish” and most times, conjure images of 80s denim. Now just because something is in style, doesn't mean you have to follow it! There are plenty of trends out there that ARE flattering, but unfortunately, there are a lot that aren't!

Unflattering Jeans

So how do you know which jeans are flattering and which aren't?

Well first rule of thumb is that even though a jean style may be popular and trendy, it doesn't mean that it'll look good on you!

Take for example acid-wash jeans, which were a big staple back in the 80s, but lets be honest, even then, these babies looked sooo unflattering. So if you're petite or have a bigger booty, stay away from these 80s “trendy” jeans:

  • acid wash jeans
  • the boyfriend jean (although comfortable, these jeans are shapeless and won't do anything for curvier girls)
  • skinny jeans (yes, they look awesome on most people, but if you're really short and curvy, skinny jeans are a no-no, sorry!)
  • high-waist jeans (these don't look good on anybody, so please, just throw them out)
  • liquid leggings (if you're under 25 and fairly thin, these are fine…but a mature woman will never be taken seriously in these).
  • ripped jeans (follow the same rule as above, simple as that!)

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14 years ago

Fashion dilemma, please help! I live in AZ where it’s always warm. I am traveling to New England in early June, where it will be low 70s in the day, and 50s-60s at night. I want to pack light. One night I will go to an event wearing a Michael Kors cap sleeve draped-neck dress in black/grey/white. What do I wear over it to stay warm? And ditto for the rest of the trip – how do I dress for the summery season but stay warm at night without piling on sweaters or jackets that look too wintery? (I am… Read more »
