The Benefits of Homemade Makeup: Why You Should Ditch the Store-Bought Stuff

By Jenni / March 8, 2023

Makeup is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and it's easy to see why. People have been using makeup for thousands of years, and it has become a staple of modern life. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose which products to use. While store-bought makeup is the most convenient choice, homemade makeup is gaining popularity. This post will explore the benefits of homemade makeup and why you should consider ditching the store-bought stuff.

homemade makeup

What is Homemade Makeup?

DIY makeup is exactly what it sounds like: makeup that is made at home using natural ingredients. It can range from lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation, and even nail polish. Homemade makeup has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have become more aware of the harmful chemicals found in many store-bought products.

Benefits of Homemade Makeup

Natural Ingredients

One of the most significant benefits of DIY makeup is that it is made using natural ingredients. Many store-bought makeup products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your skin and body. For example, some makeup products contain parabens, which have been linked to breast cancer. Other chemicals, such as phthalates and formaldehyde, can cause allergies and skin irritation. Homemade makeup, on the other hand, uses natural ingredients such as cocoa powder, beetroot powder, and essential oils, which are safe and gentle on your skin.


Homemade makeup is highly customizable, which means you can create a product that suits your unique skin type and tone. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you can use ingredients that are known to be gentle on the skin, such as aloe vera gel. If you have dry skin, you can use ingredients that are moisturizing, such as coconut oil. You can also adjust the color and texture of the makeup to suit your preferences.


Store-bought makeup can be expensive, especially if you're looking for high-quality products. Homemade makeup, on the other hand, is much more cost-effective. You can make your own makeup using ingredients that are easily accessible and affordable, such as cornstarch, arrowroot powder, and cocoa powder. You can also reuse containers and packaging, which reduces waste and saves you money.

Environmentally Friendly

Homemade makeup is also environmentally friendly. Many store-bought makeup products come in non-recyclable packaging, which contributes to the growing problem of plastic waste. By making your own makeup, you can reuse containers and packaging, which reduces waste and helps the environment. You can also choose ingredients that are biodegradable and sustainable, such as bamboo powder and mica.

No Animal Testing

Animal testing is a controversial issue in the makeup industry, with many companies still testing their products on animals. Homemade makeup is cruelty-free, as you can ensure that none of the ingredients used have been tested on animals. You can also choose to use vegan ingredients, which means that no animal products have been used in the production of your makeup.

Types of Homemade Makeup

homemade mascara


Homemade lipstick is easy to make and can be customized to suit your preferences. You can use ingredients such as beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils to create a moisturizing and nourishing lipstick. You can also adjust the color by using natural ingredients such as beetroot powder or cocoa powder.


Homemade eyeshadow is another popular option. You can use ingredients such as arrowroot powder, mica powder, and cocoa powder to create a natural and pigmented eyeshadow. You can also experiment with different colors and textures to create your perfect shade.


Homemade foundation can be customized to suit your skin tone and type. You can use ingredients such as arrowroot powder, cocoa powder, and aloe vera gel to create a light and natural foundation. You can also add ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to create a foundation with SPF protection.


Homemade mascara is a great way to create a natural and non-toxic product. You can use ingredients such as activated charcoal, beeswax, and coconut oil to create a mascara that is nourishing for your lashes. You can also adjust the consistency and color to create a product that suits your needs.

Nail Polish

Homemade nail polish is a fun and creative way to make your own unique shades. You can use a clear nail polish base and add natural pigments such as beetroot powder, spirulina powder, or mica powder to create a custom color. You can also experiment with adding glitter or other decorations to your nail polish.

How to Make Homemade Makeup

Making homemade makeup is relatively easy and can be done with ingredients that are readily available at health food stores or online. Here is a general guide for making your own homemade makeup:

Gather your ingredients.

Choose natural ingredients that are safe for your skin and body. Some popular ingredients include arrowroot powder, cocoa powder, beetroot powder, activated charcoal, beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils.

Mix your ingredients.

Combine your ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly until you achieve your desired consistency and color.

Test your makeup.

Apply a small amount of your homemade makeup to your skin to test for any allergic reactions or irritation. If you experience any discomfort, discontinue use.

Store your makeup.

Store your homemade makeup in a clean, airtight container to keep it fresh and prevent contamination.

Safety Tips for Homemade Makeup

While homemade makeup is generally safe and non-toxic, it's essential to follow some safety guidelines to prevent any adverse reactions:

  1. Test your makeup.

Always test a small amount of your homemade makeup on your skin before applying it to your face. This will help you identify any allergic reactions or irritation.

  1. Use clean tools.

Make sure your tools, containers, and mixing bowls are clean and free of any bacteria or contaminants.

  1. Use fresh ingredients.

Use fresh ingredients that have not expired or gone bad. Using expired ingredients can lead to bacterial growth and contamination.

  1. Store your makeup properly.

Store your homemade makeup in a clean, airtight container to keep it fresh and prevent contamination.

Homemade makeup is a great way to create natural, non-toxic products that are customized to your unique skin type and tone. By using natural ingredients and avoiding harmful chemicals found in many store-bought products, you can take control of what you're putting on your skin and body. Homemade makeup is also cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and cruelty-free. While it may take some experimentation to find the perfect recipe, making your own makeup is a fun and creative way to express yourself and take care of your skin. So why not ditch the store-bought stuff and give homemade makeup a try?

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